Serving North Carolina 

Trauma Interrupted

Where Healing Begins and Empowerment Flourishes

What We Do

About Us

Trauma Interrupted is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on trauma education and support. Our mission is to interrupt the cycle of trauma and empower survivors to reclaim their lives. We provide comprehensive trauma education programs and workshops, equipping individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools to recognize, respond to, and prevent trauma-related experiences. Additionally, we offer a range of confidential support services, including counseling, peer support groups, and resource referrals, to create a safe and inclusive environment for survivors. We advocate for equitable and accessible trauma support systems by collaborating with community organizations, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Through our unwavering dedication, Trauma Interrupted aims to build a society where survivors can heal, thrive, and break free from the chains of trauma.

As Trauma Interrupted continues to grow and evolve, it remains dedicated to its mission of interrupting the cycle of trauma and providing education and support to survivors. The organization is committed to making a positive impact, empowering individuals to heal, and working towards a future where trauma is understood, survivors are supported, and healing is possible for all.

In mission of interrupting the cycle of trauma and providing education and support to survivors.



Trauma Interrupted was founded on November 12, 2021, with a clear purpose of providing trauma education and support to individuals affected by trauma. The organization recognized the profound impact of trauma on individuals and communities and sought to address the need for comprehensive trauma-informed education and care.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Trauma Interrupted operates as a legal entity with tax-exempt status. This designation allows the organization to focus its resources and efforts on fulfilling its mission rather than generating profits.

Mission Statement:

Trauma Interrupted’s mission is to provide comprehensive trauma education and unwavering support to individuals affected by trauma. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Trauma Interrupted is dedicated to interrupting the cycle of trauma and empowering survivors to reclaim their lives. The organization achieves this through trauma education programs, workshops, and support services. Trauma Interrupted also collaborates with community organizations, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to advocate for equitable and accessible trauma support systems.

Vision Statement:

Trauma Interrupted envisions a world where trauma is understood, survivors are supported, and healing is possible for all. The organization strives for a society where trauma education is widespread and integrated into various sectors. This includes education, healthcare, and social services. Trauma Interrupted envisions a world where survivors are embraced and provided with comprehensive, trauma-informed care and resources. The organization also aims to actively dismantle systemic barriers to trauma support and advocates for equitable access to care, eradication of stigma, and trauma-informed policies and practices.


Empathy: Trauma Interrupted values empathy, demonstrating compassion and understanding towards individuals affected by trauma. The organization creates a safe and supportive space for survivors to be heard and validated.

Empowerment: Trauma Interrupted believes in the strength and resilience of survivors. The organization empowers survivors to take control of their healing journey, providing them with tools, resources, and support to reclaim their lives.

Education: Trauma Interrupted recognizes the power of knowledge and education in addressing trauma. The organization offers comprehensive trauma education to individuals and communities, fostering awareness and understanding of trauma’s complexities.

Inclusivity: Trauma Interrupted fosters an inclusive environment that acknowledges the diverse backgrounds of individuals affected by trauma. The organization respects and honors the unique experiences and needs of each survivor, ensuring accessibility to programs and services for all.

Collaboration: Trauma Interrupted actively seeks partnerships and collaboration with community organizations, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Through collaboration, the organization aims to create a greater impact, advocate for systemic change, and enhance the quality of trauma support services.

Trauma-Informed Care: Trauma Interrupted adheres to trauma-informed principles in all programs and services. The organization prioritizes safety, trust, choice, and collaboration, ensuring interventions are sensitive to survivor needs and promote healing and empowerment.

Integrity: Trauma Interrupted operates with integrity, transparency, and professionalism. The organization upholds high ethical standards, protects confidentiality, and utilizes resources responsibly to fulfill its mission.

Continuous Learning: Trauma Interrupted is committed to ongoing learning and growth. The organization stays updated with the latest research, best practices, and emerging trends in trauma support. Trauma Interrupted continuously evaluates and improves its programs and services to meet the evolving needs of survivors.

These mission and vision statements, along with the guiding values, reflect Trauma Interrupted’s commitment to interrupting the cycle of trauma, providing support and education, and advocating for survivors’ well-being.

Programs and Services:

Trauma Education Workshops: Trauma Interrupted conducts educational workshops and training programs to increase awareness and understanding of trauma’s impact. These workshops are designed for schools and organizations to educate on mental health and trauma symptoms, trauma-informed care, resilience, and self-care.
Currently accepting workshop and speaking requests from companies, high schools or universities.

Click here to learn more:

Support Services: Trauma Interrupted provides confidential support services to survivors of trauma. These services may include individual counseling, group therapy, and peer support groups. The organization recognizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive space where survivors can share their experiences, gain support, and develop coping strategies.

Resource Referrals: Trauma Interrupted offers information and referrals to additional resources and services that may be beneficial to survivors. This includes connecting individuals with therapists, support groups, advocacy organizations, and other community resources that specialize in trauma-informed care.

Community Outreach: Trauma Interrupted actively engages in community outreach to raise awareness about trauma and promote trauma-informed practices. This may involve participating in community events, hosting awareness campaigns, collaborating with local organizations, and providing educational materials to the public.

Training and Consultation: Trauma Interrupted offers training and consultation services to organizations and professionals seeking to integrate trauma-informed practices. This includes assisting organizations in developing trauma-informed policies, training staff on trauma awareness, and providing guidance on creating trauma-responsive environments.

By providing these programs and services, Trauma Interrupted aims to interrupt the cycle of trauma, empower survivors, and create a society that is better equipped to recognize, respond to, and prevent trauma-related experiences.

“Healing from trauma can also mean strength and joy. The goal of healing is not a papering-over of changes in an effort to preserve or present things as normal. It is to acknowledge and wear your new life – warts, wisdom, and all – with courage.”

Catherine Woodiwiss

“Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose.”

–Michelle Rosenthal

“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.”

– Cheryl Richardson

Your help matters, no matter how big or small.


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800 Park Offices Dr. Suite 3410 Durham NC 27709 






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